Some witches are born with a special mark upon them that singles then out as a person gifted with power. Some traditional variations on this mark include: a specially shaped birthmark, a supernumerary nipple, polydactylism, red hair, extra teeth, and being born with a caul (a portion of the birth sac over the head).
Witch marks are created at certain rites of passage within our tradition. They consist of a special symbol marked on the body, either astrally or physically, as in a tattoo. Both the symbol and its placement of the body are significant to our tradition.
Witch Blood
Some witches claim blood lineage from witches who have gone before. This is known as possessing witch blood. It is based on a very ancient notion from the book of Enoch that T'Qayin once mixed his seed with that of the daughters of Adam, producing a race of supernaturally gifted beings. These beings are sometimes referred to as The Watchers. It is said that this divine spark runs through the veins and sings from the bones of every witch. Remember that you are made of the same materials as the stars, and that magic lives within you. Even if you cannot trace your familial lineage to that of a known witch, know that through the forging of the Red Thread, the magical link that this tradition creates between you and the Mighty Dead, you share the blood of T'Qayin.
The Kuthun
Is is told that for a witch to pass from this life into the next, she must pass her power on to another. This provides incentive for teaching the Craft to others, ensuring that our ways do not die with us. The Kuthun is a tangible object that links the power of a witch to her descendant. It may be a beloved magical tool, a piece of jewelry or regalia, or a formal document of lineage.
My name is vanessa and I am really interested in learning more about Witch Marks. I was wondering if you could provide me with more types of markings other than the ones described aboce. I have a stork bite that covers the back of my neck and head. It also looks like the water element sign. I also have thick dark wavy red hair. I actually have many different types of shades of natural red hair with natural red highlights.
ReplyDeleteI have the same mark, on the back of my head. It's often very sensitive as well
DeleteI don't know if I agree that the "Kuthun" has to be a tangible item to be passed. I do believe that you can pass heritage on with spoken word, energy or deed.
ReplyDeleteMy greatgrandmother was a healer. A white witch...she could heal by chanting and placing her hands over a wound and there would be very little blood...no wound, just an immediate scar. She was also highly psychic in more ways than one. My mother was a child at the time living with her and was completely spooked by the things she witnessed my great grandmother do. I was born very empathic and curious about this lineage my mother speaks about. My mother does not like to encourage my lineage because she's spooked. Am I a witch by blood?...I think also from what my mother said that this ancestry goes further back than she even knows of.
DeleteI need to find a group of witches that wont be so predjudice about blood liniage. Most are wiccan that tell me that one cannot be born a witch and that it takes years of practice in the craft. from the very first day that i was in the craft though i have had all my prayers answered and my magic works the first time around. I really want to know whats going on.
ReplyDeleteThe Wiccan know nothing
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DeleteThe Wiccan know nothing, walk your own path since it seems no one knows the answers except ourselves
DeleteI have had experienced things since birth too but just getting awaking to why I never fit or didn't feel right. Study hard and ask many questions...good luck in all things
DeleteI have had experienced things since birth too but just getting awaking to why I never fit or didn't feel right. Study hard and ask many questions...good luck in all things
DeleteGenesis i have been going through the same things. I have met a few lovals that have really been helping me, if you come froma blood line. Find me on fscebook! :) Ashley Watson im holding a candle in my picture. Theres a few of us, but id love to share what i have learned.
DeleteI know i sound kind of weird, but i o remember reading that back in the old days, the most powerful and true witches were of blood liniage. I sound like i am trying to be special i know, but that is not at all where i am getting at. How can one be like the witches of old again. I have so many questions about the craft. Its not about a "self journey" and "reasearch" any more. I do belive in the spirits out there and i am through with the new world idea of the craft.
ReplyDeleteI am at least 3 rd generation. My father's grandmother, his mother, aunts, myself. He doesn't speak much of it but encourages my learning. Knows as I always have, my place and gifts in this world. I have practiced without outside knowledge and continue to grow on my own before knowing what I was doing. So yes, I believe in lineage, known or not. It is our path we have already set before us. I embrace it amd thank God and Goddess everyday for tje gofts I have.
DeleteAlthough, I do wish I had someone to help me along the way. I never really had the chance to learn from my family. It really is hard on your own. A lot of lessons learned that could have possibly been avoided. But, I will pass those down myself. We cannot let what is within us die. It won't. Destiny will prevail. Might as well pass down truth.
DeleteTry to focus on something like a deity, spirit guide, God, and or Gods
DeleteDo it with a prayer combined into a meditation, I tried something like this it seemed to work on what I wanted
DeleteI think it is through lineage too
DeleteMy great aunt said my ancestors were something like powerful sorcerers but she wasn't sure but through her stories it seemed like really bad ones
DeleteI want to know truth though and if so am I a black witch or sorcerer, ...I want to walk a pure path now though but I feel drained with the dark me having been casted away
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DeleteI think it is through lineage too
DeleteDo it with a prayer combined into a meditation, I tried something like this it seemed to work on what I wanted
DeleteGenesis Killmore if you are still interested in meeting with ppl that do not judge then look me up on fb @Blackhawk Thunderstorm. An I will introduce you to some.. We will help as much as u want.
DeleteI am truly intrigued with the answers and questions in this post. My mother, myself and my brother and all 5 of my children were born with a bunch of red dots on our necks, they go away within a year. However my mom has always had strong pychic dreams and infinity for crystals. She is a Christian but when I mentioned that I thought I may have something within myself due to "feelings" dreams and a sense of things about to happen as well as signs. She was actually supportive, saying just stay "white" that being said. I have always felt I was different and quite excited that maybe just maybe I am a natural witch.
DeleteI am truly intrigued with the answers and questions in this post. My mother, myself and my brother and all 5 of my children were born with a bunch of red dots on our necks, they go away within a year. However my mom has always had strong pychic dreams and infinity for crystals. She is a Christian but when I mentioned that I thought I may have something within myself due to "feelings" dreams and a sense of things about to happen as well as signs. She was actually supportive, saying just stay "white" that being said. I have always felt I was different and quite excited that maybe just maybe I am a natural witch.
DeleteGenesis, IMHO, there is no substitute for dedicated study with a knowledgeable elder witch or coven.
ReplyDeleteThink of being "of the blood" like having a Gods-given knack for any of the arts. You may play an instrument very well without any formal training. You may even become a respected and famous musician. However, genuine study with another talented musician or a conservatory can only assist in your growth and proficiency.
So it is with Our Craft. The Arte Magical is truly an art like any other. Even if you are of the blood and can trace your lineage back for generations; even if your magic has worked perfectly from your very first attempt at spellwork; even if the Gods whisper truths to you, you still can only benefit from study.
I also am curious regarding lineage. I also believe I have such a specific mark. I know my grandmother maternal claimed christian, had visions of future tragic events, saw people, fireballs hail from the heavens and disappear on hee lawn, etc. I do know as far back as 4 grandmother's all maternal we were from a Cherokee Indian princess. My family doesn't support any of my questions.
ReplyDeleteHi Kimberly, I have had visions of the same exact future events .and my dad's mom my grandmother is Cherokee indian as well. I am new to all of this and well I always thought what the heck is wrong with me ?I would love to talk to you and find out more from you .if u he Facebook look me up Alisha Martin .ty
DeleteHi I have a very interesting mark in my leg is three letters mark along with my veins they change into a deep color purple.... Had omen's come to me and my mom and say that I will do good and bad... idk what is that supposed to mean. All I know is that my Dad's mom practice some black magic. I never seen any one else with a birthmark like mine. I am trying to seek for some answers.
ReplyDeleteJust a brief question...
ReplyDeleteWhy spell it T'Qayin? not see that spelling before
BC it is really old magic and u have to know what u r doing
DeleteMy family is not practicing but there are inherent gifts. I have made alot of strides in my development but would love to have a coven or teacher to help me.
ReplyDeleteHi, I'm Rae, I recenetly learned Im a blood born witch. I need to learn how to protect myself and someone else, for a battle is coming soon. I'm looking for a sensei to teach me or for someone to help me out. I would highly appreciate it.
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ReplyDeleteI don't know which generation I am but I can trace our line to sir callahan. I was born a witch as well as my daughter
ReplyDeleteI don't know which generation I am but I can trace our line to sir callahan. I was born a witch as well as my daughter
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone know what an aleos is?
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone know what an aleos is?
ReplyDeleteAleos was the king of Arcadia and founder of the cult of Athena Alea - not sure if this is helpful.
DeleteI do have a broth mark and my natural hair color in redis blonde like strawberry blonde
ReplyDeleteI am a witch my grant grandmother is one to so ward he silbbing mother and father I practice as much as I can but I hide it to my husband BC he doesn't aggree with it his family are hard Christians one thing that scared me that I learned back in the day when the witch trails was going on his many grant grandfather was in it they killed pleope like me and I came from a long line of witches from my mother side and father side
ReplyDeletecould you help me?
ReplyDeleteim 15 yrs old and i have this huge birth mark and a third nipple it sounds weird when i say it on this and im really into this stuff ever since i was 11 yrs old and i would love to learn more
I need answers on things I have experienced in life. Please contact me. 661-573-6531, txt me.
ReplyDeleteI need answers on things I have experienced in life. Please contact me. 661-573-6531, txt me.
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ReplyDeletehello everyone, for some years now i have always felt different in many ways i some times feel like i am in tune with everything around me in a connected energy kind of way it seems as if i can feel things but i never actually see anything, i feel liek i can look at someone and see through them and know so much about them and how to be around them and i an say things that surprize them, and i can talk to animals and almost feel how they do and know what they want i have weird feelings about much around me and sometimes get thes overwellming sence of energy that seem to pulse through out me they almost change how i feel, no im not crazy, i just feel like thier is much more for me out thier and i have always have had felt pull towards magic, nature and the surrounding elements and energys around me i barly know anything about magic or the history or have tried any and or the ways to go about it, i see,feel and hear alot that most ppl arnt effected by or can understand it in ways i can.i am a libra born on 10/07/1993 i have damn near a solid thick red beard, and extrodinary blue eyes that are greyish whiteish and yellowish and they often change by moods or different energies with in me or around me someone plz help me im in dier need of a help i feel like it is very important to find out.please feel free to contact my on facebook or my cell 716-378-3141 my name ic jacob hanigan. Thank you agian i am not crazy. and i also have these two spots one on each side on my chest about 2 inches below each nipple and the grow hair around them like nipples they dont patrude but they are thier and are even they same skin type as my nipples wierd asf lol and i have no oporations done or so forth im very intreged about this artical maybe it with help sheed some light to these phanominas
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ReplyDeleteMy name is Heather and I am a Leo. I have a very small mark on my right thigh that resembles a Nordic bind rune. I have had it my whole life and noticed it at a very young age and thought it was odd, I always wanted to know more. The most I could learn was that it is a bind rune called Ziu (Sowilo and Tiwaz combined). Sowilo being a rune of the warrior and represents the lightning of the god Tyr. Tiwaz represents the god Tyr and his sacrifice (the son of Odin?). I know the meaning of the runes but I do not know what it means to be born with a bind rune.... But I believe this is my "witch mark". I am a truth seeker, and am not afraid of venturing into the dark to find what I want to know. I would fight to the death for what I feel is right and that is always how I have been. But I know when to hold my tongue. Whether people think my choices are right or wrong is no difference to me. Ive also recently been manifesting with dark energy. I find everything very interesting, I do not know if I have witch blood or not. I do know however that magick is real. Even if you are born with witch blood, you may not know how to get the most out of your power without knowledge of the craft. I definitely do not know everything, but I say if you have a power, do what you can to make the most of it. I used mine to find my twin flame and it happened instantly. If you have any info or just want to talk about magick feel free to reply to this comment or message me.
ReplyDeleteHi- crazy question.... I have a mark on my leg that is extremely light just like my skin until I get in the water and then it becomes tanner than my skin tone- is this a Mark? I've shown it to a few doctors and they can't understand why it only shows up when its wet...
ReplyDeleteI have more questions about the marks ive had the same 2 scratches on my che st since I can first remember and my mother was know as a witch to some and I take completely as after her someone please help me ive had alot of strange unexplained things go on in my life and people think im crazy but im not
ReplyDeleteI have a birthmark on the back of my head hidden by my hair. I do not know my lineage but I do know that I have always been different. I want knowledge if any can given. I am also a Scorpio and my moon sign is libra if that has any bearing and I have an idea that it does.
ReplyDeleteI have three birthmarks that I wondered what they meant on my rite knee I have a person shape birthmark, which I always thought it was weird. In the back of lower waist I have another birthmark that I call a mood birthmark, it always changes its color due to my energy. The third birthmark is a a bit lower then my Brest and it looks like a third nipple. I have the ability to read tarot, palms, and know what ppl r feeling. I was told that my grandpas dad was associated with black magic. I know deep down I am a witch of some kind I need answers as I'm getting older I have the urge to know more.
ReplyDeleteI have a birthmark on the left side of my thigh shaped as a upside-down skull and one day a man walked up to me telling me he can see my true name marked across my forehead and that I need to follow and find my true roots for they are calling. Talking about i come from an old ancient bloodline whether this is true or not id like to know more anyways if anyone out in this world may have some. I don't know my true family for i was in foster care and only know of my three half brothers yet they are very different than myself. I tend to have weird things happen to me or around me that I cannot explain. Please if you have answers teach out to me.
ReplyDeleteI have so many questions if there is anyone that can possibly help please reply with an email or number anything
ReplyDeleteYou can always contact the blog authors directly, and we are happy to answer questions. Or rather, we're happy to try. Being a witch isn't just about having a mark on your body. Nor is one particularly "destined" for witchcraft, in my opinion. It is a conscious choice that you make. You make it daily, in fact. It is a CRAFT, a work. It may be in your blood because others in your ancestry also made that choice -- or because the Witchfather recognizes your potential and marked you. But YOU still have to do something with it.
ReplyDeleteI have a cat (birthmark) in my palm. I was born with it in my palm. What it means?
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed reading this article! When you mentioned birth marks... I wondered if my heart shaped purple birthmark on my should fits the bill... either way, I love my birthmark, and always have.... blessings to everyone here!!
ReplyDeleteI was born 2/22/69 i have ancestors with the same feb 22 birthday but i am the only female. I have a third colored nipple as did my great grandfather. i have always wanted to be outside i seem to grow stuff easy, i have never really fit in always felt like an outsider even in my own family, and i love storms thunder lightning never scared of them feel safe. i have always felt like there is something about me that is different if i could just tap into it,any advise ?
ReplyDeleteI noticed that birthmarks can be a sign and I'm curious about mine.... Can someone help me understand please?? I have 2 birthmarks, one in the front left thigh and one on my right ass cheek.... Does that mean anything??
ReplyDeleteMy father gave me an extra tooth, telepathy and astral projection.
ReplyDeleteBorn on Beltane,I have been called to the Craft all my life.
I suspect i am a Born Witch myself. When Younger I would blurt out future events, I one time tried putting a curse on someone... No tools but a candle and a dagger i used to have and words. it worked but it backfired. I suspected for a long while my moms a Dormant or Latent Witch but will never know as the whole family is catholic and shes the most tolerant. So I have no guidance and looking for other real born Witches for guidance and understanding ect.
ReplyDeleteMy name is Amanda Galbreath my birthday to is August 26th 1997, I have this upside-down exclamation point shaped birth Mark on my left thigh and I have unbelievably strong intuition right before something really bad happens. I can look into someone's eyes and tell their intentions, also can tell whether or not they r good or bad, sometimes I can tell someone everything that's about to happen in bad situations, and then it happens just like I said, I can sense when spirits are around, and whether or not their intentions are good or bad, sometimes I get like these flashes in my mind when trying to communicate with spirits of how they passed, I can feel the vibes people put off into a room when I walk in it, I know whether or not people are talking about me behind my back as long as they are within a considerable amount of a distance from me, I can sense whether or not someone is bad at me and not telling me, my mother was a Wiccan, and her mother was a witch, my mother has losed her mind mentally, and my mother's mother died whenever I was about 2 or 3 years old, I know at the end before my mother got locked away she was talking about blood moons and sacrificing, saying it was the monster inside her that made her do it. Please get back with me AS POSSIBLE
So, I have this birthmark under my arm that looks like an athame, and I was wndering if it means that I am a Woodbane? I thought that I am a Brightendale, but after I saw that mark I haven't been so sure...
ReplyDeleteI come from Esty bloodline and have a bloody red mark on the back of my head to the hairline on the back of my neck. It gets so red at times my boss thought I was bleeding. I have thousands of questions with what has been going on with me.
ReplyDeleteWish i was a witch