About AFW

Welcome to American Folkloric Witchcraft. This Tradition was developed by two witches (Laurelei and Glaux) living and practicing in southern Indiana, U.S.A. We started living and working together in 2008, but each of us had been practicing Witchcraft since the late 1990's. In that time, we developed some opinions about what we preferred and what we didn't.  We were both avid proponents of non-Wiccan Craft in the style of Robert Cochrane. We counted ourselves as devotees of Tubal Cain and of the White and Black Goddesses.

Glaux and I were life and magical partners, and we found that we were shaping a magical path together -- or it was shaping us. We were inspired in May  2011 to share this work with others through the writings on this blog, well aware that any true mystery cannot be told, it must be experienced for oneself.

In the summer of 2015, Glaux and I  divorced. Glaux formed her own AFW-centered coven (Crossroads Coven, whose work has since taken a different direction), and I continued leading and teaching within the Coven Caer Sidhe -- our first coven, and one whose name hearkened back to the central concept and original name of the Trad itself (before we brought these ideas forth for public view) ... the Spiral Castle Tradition. (Indeed, "American Folkloric Witchcraft" seems to have taken on a larger meaning than just one Tradition in the years since we first started writing about it.)

We  have found in the years since our divorce  that  it hasn't been easy for us to collaborate (magically  or mundanely),  and while we  each continue  to  focus with  our friends and  magical  Family on the important task of cutting a crooked path through the Wildwood, we  no longer  have each  other  as a touchstone. Sometimes, we find  that we have come to  the same glade  and found the same Mystery. And  at other times, our tracks look  very  foreign  to each other  (and would  not seem kin to an  onlooker  seeking  comparison  between our current  work). We must be at  peace with this, and hope that our separate, unique work can provide a guidepost to others who seek to practice the Old Ways in a new way.

Our ways are inspired primarily by the works of Robert Cochrane/Roy Bowers and Robert Graves.  We have borrowed elements of other American groups that also work with Cochrane's materials, American Rootwork traditions, ancient European and Native American Shamanism, and a great body of many years experience working in occult traditions.

We call this path American Folkloric Witchcraft, mindful of the fact that although we work in a heavily British tradition of Craft, we ourselves are practicing in America. We are attuned to the unique energies of the land in which we live and work, and we understand that ours is an American expression of what began as a European mystery.

We claim no lineage to any group or tradition, although our members have worked extensively in other groups and traditions. This path is our own, and is for those who bear the Mark of Qayin. It claims no authority other than the oaths and bonds we have taken to our Gods and our Ancestors.

We hope you will join us as we walk down the Crooked Path -- separately from each other, now -- spiraling out, like the arms of the triskele. THIS blog will remain as an archival record, for as long as it can. To see our new work, join us where we're walking.

Laurelei -- laurelei@asteriabooks.com

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